Amrap 6'
- 6 hand walk out to opposite toe touches
- 6/6 crab reach
- 6/6 deadbug
B. 5 sets, for quality ( not for time!)
- 1 round of KB complex / each arm - try to go unbroken!
- 5m HSW or 2 wall climbs
- 1'30" cardio machine @ moderate pace
*Use: Single Kettlebell @ women: max 16kg , men: max 24kg
*KB complex: 1 Turkish get-up- (only up!) + 3 russian swings + 3 hang cleans + 3 front squats + 3 stoh + 3 hang snatches + 10m OH carry
3-4 sets , 1' rest between
- 10 / 10 Side plank powell raise @ light DB or 2,5kg plate ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQflPl9LjWk )
- 10 Crush grip DB Z-press @ moderate weight ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0pXF6yOkN4 )
- 10 / 10 One arm rear delt row ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfx4Z_Uc2C0 )
D. Stretching