Warm up: SMR, gymn, shoulder
A)Dumbbell Man Makers + TGU
8 MM+ 4/4 TGU
6 MM + 3/3 TGU
4 MM + 2/2 TGU
2 MM + 1/1 TGU
Increase weight in every roundy
B) Karen: 150 WB for time@6/9 kg
Every break: 10 m bear crawl with 12/20 kg KB
Warm up: SMR, gymn, shoulder
A)Dumbbell Man Makers + TGU
8 MM+ 4/4 TGU
6 MM + 3/3 TGU
4 MM + 2/2 TGU
2 MM + 1/1 TGU
Increase weight in every roundy
B) Karen: 150 WB for time@6/9 kg
Every break: 10 m bear crawl with 12/20 kg KB
Warm up: 5’ amrap
- 30 m Bear Crawl
- 20 Scapula Push up
- 30” Plank hold+ 30” Superman hold
In remaining time AMRAP Burpee@ warm up pace
A)3 sets:
- Half kneeling dumbbell hang clean+press x 5/5
- Narrow grip push up x 8-12
- Bottom up KB carry x 20”/20”
- 45” Wall sit
90” rest
B)For time: TC:15’
21 Du dumbell squat clean
Run 400 meters
18 dumbells squat clean
Run 400 meters
15 db sq clean
Run 400 meters
12 du squat clean
Run 400 meters
Weights: Rx: 15/22.5kg, Open: 10/20kg
2-3 sets: 12 Hollow rock +20” Hollow hold+20 Russian Twist@KB
A. Warm-up:
Odd: 40s. Row @ moderate tempo
Even: 12 Down-ups
B. Rope climb technic in 5 minutes
4 Rounds for time:
5/5 Single-arm KB Thruster @ heavy
2 Rope climb
Tc: 8 min.
C. In 10 minutes:
Split jerk climbing heavy - from rack
Open: Split jerk practice
D. “ workout”
For time:
3 rds
500 m run
15 t2b
15 push press du kb
15 burpee
A. Warm-up:
10-10m Single arm Front rack duck walk @ easy KB
5/5 KB windmill @ easy KB
60s. Plank
x 3 rounds
B. For time:
30 Double KB hang power clean @ heavy
24 Alt. Pistol squats
15 Double KB hang power clean @ heavy
12 Alt. Pistol squats
Tc: 6’
C. EMOM 18’
0-5min.: 3 Squat clean @ 70/50kg
5-6min.: 12-15 Kipping HSPU/ pike push up / hrpu
6-11min.: 2 Squat clean @ 85/60kg
11-12min.: 12-15 Kipping HSPU
12-17min.: 1 Squat clean @ 100/70kg
17-18min.: 12-15 Kipping HSPU
D. 3 sets
10 Pendlay Row @ moderate weight
20 Tuck ups
Rest as needed
A. Warm-up: EMOM 9’
Min1: 1 Wall climb + 30 Double unders (50 single unders)
Min2: 15 Am. Swing @ easy KB
Min3: 5 Hollow rock + 5 V-ups + 10s. Hollow hold
B. “Sprint wod”
For time:
100 DU (open 150 SU)
/24 Alt. Dumbbell Snatch @ heavy!
50 DU (open 75 SU)
12 Alt. Dumbbell snatch @ heavy!
Tc: 5’
C. Power snatch warm-up + technic in 8 minutes
RX: EMOM 10’
1 Power snatch + 2 Box jump (85-90% of 1RM PS)
Box jump: 100/80cm
Open: EMOM 10’
3 Power snatch + 3 Box jump (Moderate weight)
Box jump: 60/50cm
D. “Unbroken” @ 40/25kg
10 Barbell good morning
10 Back neck reverse lunges
10 Jumping squats
Rest 60-90s.
x 3 rounds
A. Warm-up:
5’ Gym.
60s. Shuttle Run (15m)
30s. Rest
x 3 sets with increasing volumen!
B. EMOM 10’
5 Strict HSPU + 5 Strict C2B pull-ups
Open: 7 Push-ups + 7 Double KB sumo DL high pull
C. Metcon
45 Clean & Jerk @ 30/45kg
45 T2B (open: K2E)
45 Thruster @ 30/45kg
45 Lateral burpee
D. Acc
60s. Weighted wall sit with 20/10kg plate
60s. Amrap Plank to push-ups
Rest 60s.
x 3 rounds
A. Warm-up: Gymn. + 2 sets of:
400m Run
20 Lateral box steps @ 60/50cm
10 Down-ups
B. 5 Rounds for time:
200m Run / 250 m row
15 Box jump-overs @ 60cm
TC: 15’
Rest 5:00
C. 5 Rounds for time:
400m Row / 500 m row
15 Wall ball @ 9/6kg
TC: 15’
D. Accessory:
30s. Dead hang on bar
10/10 KB Side bend @ heavy!
x 4 sets
A. Warm-up: Gymn. + Amrap 8’
10/10 Single-Leg RDL
5/5 Hang clean + Jerk @ easy KB
10 Cossack squats
10 V-ups
B. Practice:
Rope climb (Legless)
C. 5 Rounds for time: TC: 20’
1 Pegboard or 1 Seated Legless Rope climb
20 Burpee
10 Alt. Hang Snatch
10 Alt. Hang clean + Jerk
*use heavy dumbbell!
D. Accessory:
Strict T2B x 10 reps
KB windmill x 10/10 reps @ moderate weight
x 2-4 sets
A. Warm-up:
25m Walking Lunges
20 Dead bug
10 Burpee
60s. HS hold
x 3 rounds
B. Strict pull-up x 5-7 reps
x 5 sets
Rest 60s. btw. sets
C: Metcon
10 rds
3 wall walk
4 atomic sit up w.plate 15-20/5-10 kg
5 clap push up
6 jump squat w. Plate
3x 30 band triceps
E.Stretching with Coach
A. Warm-up:
10-10m Tiger walk (forward + backward)
10 Ring Row
10 Burpee
10/10 Single-arm KB deadlift @ medium weight
x 3 rounds
B. Amrap 18’
200m Run
6 Muscle-ups (Open: Burpee Pull-up)
12 Am. Swing @ heavy
18 Wall ball @ 9/6kg
C. Dead stop Deadlift x 5 RM
- focus on perfect start position!
D. Acc
3-4 rds
10 hollow rock
10 sec hollow hold
10 v-up
no rest btw sets