A. Warm-up:
50/100 Du/Single-unders
10 get up jhonnie
25 Air squat
30 s plank to push up
x 3 rounds
B. Practice 8 min
(bar-ring mu, du, hswlk…)
C:Tempo Strict push-press
5x 5 reps
Rest 30-60s between sets
Tempo: 3333
You can choose workout:
D. Metcon:
Every 3’x 5 rounds=15 min
9 Burpee Roll over
18 Sumo DL high pull @ with KB
36 Air squat
*Burpee roll over: https://youtu.be/NcR2PjOeb3o
E: Superset
Only one dumbell
3 rds
15 biceps curls
15 triceps
No rest between sets
F:Stretching with Coach