Warm up: 3 sets:
* 30” HS hold
* 14 Bird Dog
* 20 Shoulder taps in plank
* 10 light Kb am swing
* 10 cossack squat
A)Work up to heavy in 10 min:
- 1 front squat
- 1 Push Jerk
- 1 split jerk
B) Metcon
3x 5’ AMRAP with 2’ rest
First: 14 db hang snatch, 7 oh squat 22,5/15 kg
Second: 10 Power clean@ 25/40 kg (open: 20/30 kg), 10 FR Lunge steps, 10 Sit up
Third: Max reps burpee to target
C) Acc:
3-4 rds
10/10 one arm dumbell rows
10 barbell good morning