A.3 sets of:
8 down-ups
10 bird dog (5/5)
12 scapula push-ups
B. For time:
10 rounds of:
6/6 single arm thruster @ bottle/weight
8 Burpees
C. 3 sets:
30 flutter kicks
20 russian twists
10 Hollow rock
rest 1' between sets.
A: 3rds
10 cat-camel
16 dead bugs
10 scorpions
30" superman hold
2 Lunge step
2 Burpee
2 Alt V-ups
2 alt biceps curls w.ásványvíz
2 min rest
For Time
3 rds
100 mountain climber
100 jumping jack
100 bicycle abs
100 push press w. double ásványvíz
C: 3 min
Hip trust hold
A: 3 sets
10 Glute Bridge
10 Sit-Ups
10 Toe Touches in Push Up Position
B: 5 rounds
30 Air Squats
30 Sit-Ups
30 Hand Release Push Up (HRPU)
C: 3-5 RDS
10 Hollow Rock+10 Sec Hollow Hold
A. Warm-up:
Amrap 5' - in a slow, moderate pace
6 sumo deadlift
6 sumo deadlift high pull
6 russian swing
6 goblet squat
@ light KB ( 12 / 8 kg )
B. Strength / Lifting
EMOM 3' x 3 sets ( 1' rest btw. sets)
* increase the weight in every set!
1 Clean Pull + 1 Squat Clean ( not TNG )
Amrap 2'
3 Rope climb ( Rx: legless)
Max reps Box jump-overs @ 70/60 cm , 60/50cm
rest 1'
Amrap 2'
4 Alternating DB snatches @ heavy ( 27,5-25-22,5-20-17,5 / 22,5-20-17,5-15-12,5.. kg )
20 DUs / 40 singles
rest 1'
x 2 sets ( 12 mins)
D. Accessory:
Double DB / KB bent over row
* 3 x 10 reps , 1' rest btw.
A. Warm-up:
Amrap 6'
B. Strength / Lifting:
EMOM 3' x 3 sets ( 1' rest btw. sets)
* increase the weight in every set!
1 Snatch Pull + 1 Squat Snatch ( not TNG)
For time: Tc: 10'
40-30-20-10 Wall Ball @ 9/6 kg
20-15-10-5 Double DB Deadlift @ heavy (30+/ 20+) - try as heavy as possible for you
D. Accessory:
Reverse crunch with plate pass ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxRf3MGCIb8 )
*3 x 10 reps , 1' rest btw.
A. Gymnastics / SMR
B. Warm-up:
3 sets of:
For time:
5 rounds:
- 5 Hang power clean @ 60/40 , 50/35, 40/25 kg
- 10 HSPU ( Rx: strict , Open: kipping , Beginner: pike push-up)
- 5 Front Squat @ same weight as you use for the hang power clean
- 10 Weighted abmat sit-ups @12 - 9/ 6-4 kg Wall Ball
- 10 alternating DB box step-up @ 22,5 - 20 - 17,5 - 15 kg / 15 - 12,5 - 10 .. kg (try as heavy as possible for you)
Cash Out :
600 m row
* every 150m - 5 burpee over the Erg
* start with 5 burpees then @ 150m / 300m / 450 m
D. Accessory:
Rear Delt Fly -
* 3 x 12 reps @ 2 x DB (light/ moderate weigt)
A. Warm-up:
3 sets of:
B. Strength / Lifting
Back Squat
2 x 3 @ same weight ( heavy @ ~ 80%-85% )
then, increase weight:
2 x 2 @ same weight ( @ ~ 85%- 90% )
* rest about 90" - 120" btw. every set
For time:
- 25 Double KB STOH @ heavy (24 / 20-16kg , 20 / 16-12 kg , 16 / 12-8kg )
- 20 Pull-up / banded pull-up / ring row
- 25 Double KB hang Cluster ( clean + thruster) @ same weight as stoh
- 15 C2B / banded pull-up / ring row
- 25 Double KB Thruster @ same weight
- 5 Bar MU / 10 pull-up ( banded ) / ring row
D. Accessory:
Kettlebell Side Bend - 3 x 10 / 10
A. Warm-up:
2 sets of :
B. Strength
4 sets of:
- 10 / 10 Single-arm paralette plank support row @ DB ( light, moderate weight)
- 8 / 8 Single-arm Z-press @ moderate DB
- 6 / 6 Tall plank pull-through @ light DB / KB
* NOT for time!
* 90" rest btw. sets
Amrap 8'
-250m row
-50 DUs / 100 Single-unders
-30m Heavy Farmer carry
rest 2'
Amrap 8'
-250m row
-12 Target burpee
-3 Man-Makers @ 2 x DB
D. Stretching
A. Warm-up:
3 sets of:
B. Strength/ Lifting
Deadlift - work up to - about 75%-80% of your max ( or a heavy 3 rep ) in about 5 mins
3 Deadlift @ 75%-80% + 6 Floor Press @ dual KB / DB
Amrap 10'
15 Russian swing @ medium/ heavy KB
12 Box jump
9 T2B / Knee raises / V-ups
D. Accessory:
Weighted snow angel @ 2 x 1,25kg plate
*50 full reps ( NOT for time!)
*try to keep your head and legs in the air , don't touch the ground - like in superman hold