A) gymn + wu
B) 6*3 push jerk from rack , climbing
C) 6*3 squat snatches , climbing (no tng)
D) 16 rounds in teams of 2 (I go, u go)
14 box jump overs
12 wb
4 SB over the shoulder
TC : 24'
A) gymn + wu
B) 6*3 push jerk from rack , climbing
C) 6*3 squat snatches , climbing (no tng)
D) 16 rounds in teams of 2 (I go, u go)
14 box jump overs
12 wb
4 SB over the shoulder
TC : 24'
A) Gymn + wu
B) daily max (10')
1 squat clean + 2 fsq
C) 3 RFT:
5/5 kb snatches ( no deadsnathes ) @ heavier then u usually use
10 hspu
30 air squats
C) 12-9-6-3
Strict pull ups
2x pushups
(For quality)
D) 30-20-10
Reverse crunches
Straight body ceiling reaching crunches
A) gymn + wu
B) E30" for 8'
1) 6 OHS @30/20
2) 10 butterfly situp
Rest 2'
C) E30" for 8'
1) 6 hang power snatch @30/20
2) 6 pistols (open:4 candlestick roll to pistol)
Rest 2'
D) E30" for 8'
1) 8 stoh @30/20
2) 12 DL @30/20
E) 5 sets
10" hollow hold
30"/30" side plank
20" rest
A) gymn + wu
B) daily max (10')
1 power clean + 1 push press + 1 hang power clean + 1 push press
C) 4*3 clean pull @ 120-130% of B
D) amrap 18'
9 thrusters @30/20
18 lat. burpees
27 pull-ups
36 fr rack rev lunges @30/20
45 DU's
E) romwod : dragon, lizard, twisted lizard
(Min 1 minute each side / pose)
A) gymn + wu
B) emom 30'
1) 14/11 cal row
2) 14 t2b (open 20 vups)
3) 2 power snatches
Climbing in weights by 5/2,5 kgs, start from 40/25
C) acc 3' hs hold (every break: 30" deadhang)
A. Warm-up:
Odd: 12-15 Burpee
Even: 12-15 GTOH with Plate!
B. Kipping or Butterfly pull-up practice in 5-8 minutes, then..
5x5 Strict pull-ups
You can choose workout:
(C.a.) 7 Rounds for time:
3 Muscle-ups (Ring or Bar)
6 Clean & Jerk @ 60/40kg
Tc: 14 min.
(C.b.) Amrap 14’
25 Burpee
3 Rope climb
15 Am. Swing @ 24/16kg
(C.c.) In 14 minutes:
1600/1200m Row
Max rounds in the remaining time:
9 Thruster @ 42.5/30kg
35 Double-unders
D. “Accessory”
125 Weighted Abmat Sit-up
*Use 9/6kg Medball
A. Warm-up:
20 Opposite arm-leg raises in Tiger Pos.
20 Band pull-apart / easy band
20 Cossack squats
x 3 sets
B. Pistol squat “practice”
RX: weighted pistol squat x 6 reps alternating
x 5 sets
C. 3 rounds for time:
20 Wall ball @ 9/6kg
20 Alt. 1-arm KB hang power clean @ 24/16kg
No rest!
6 Rounds for time:
20/15 Push-ups
10 Goblet squat @ 24/16kg KB
D. “Accessory”
60s. Handstand hold
30/30s. Single-Leg glute bridge hold on floor
Rest 60-90s.
x 2-3 sets
A. Warm-up:
Gymn + Warm-up games in 10-15 mins.
*Trainer choice
B. Half kneeling strict press x 8/8 reps @ use DB or KB
Pull-up on rope x 3-5 reps / arm
Rest 60-90s.
x 3 sets
*Open: Single-arm Ring row x 6/6 reps
C. “Diane”
21-15-9 reps for time:
Deadlift @ 102/70kg
*Open: 80/50kg
D. “Accessory”
Single-Leg banded good morning x 10/10 reps
Alt. V-ups x 20 reps
x 3 sets
A. Warm-up:
10m Inchworm
10/10 Suitcase deadlift @ easy KB
10/10 Windmill @ easy KB
30/30s. Side plank
x 3 sets
B. In 8 minutes:
Overhead squat - daily max or 1RM (from rack)
Open: only technic!
3’ work / 1’ rest x 5 rounds (20min.)
20 OHS @ empty BB (15/20kg)
6 Muscle-ups (you can ring or bar)
Max reps Burpee box jump-overs @ 70/60cm in the remaining time
3’ work / 1’ rest x 5 rounds (20min.)
20 Front squat @ empty BB (15/20kg)
8 Burpee pull-ups
Max reps Burpee box jump-overs @ 60/50 cm in the remaining time
D. “Accessory”
100 Hollow rock
A. Warm-up:
Easy “Amrap” in 8 mins.
10m Walking Lunges
10 V-ups
45s. Handstand hold
B. Power snatch - warm up to 50-60% of 1RM
For time:
10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10 reps of:
Unbroken Tng Power snatch @ 50% of 1RM Snatch
C. Every 2’ x 5 sets
Back squat x 5 reps @ 70% of 1RM
Strict pull-up x 10 reps (ring row x 15-20 reps)
D. “Accessory”
BB Bent over row x 8 reps @ heavy
Single-arm Push-up hold x 30/30s.
x 3 sets