A. Warm-up: Gymn. + 3 sets of:
50 Mountain climbing
10 Hand release push-ups
10 1-Leg Hip thrust + 10s. Hold (left)
10 1-Leg Hip thrust + 10s. Hold (right)
20 Cossack squats (slow)
B. Warm-up for Clean & Jerk in 5 minutes
Clean & Jerk @ 1RM
C. EMOM 10’
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep @ 75-80% of 1RM
D. 3 Rounds for time:
12 Burpee Toes to bar
6-6 Single-arm Hang clean + Jerk
24 Abmat Sit-ups
12 Alt. Pistol squat
Tc: 12’
E. Accumulate 2 min.
Hollow hold