Warm-up in pairs:
3 rounds / each person ( 6 rounds in total )
- Partner A: 20 mountine climbers + 15 jumping jacks + 10 air squats + 5 reverse burpees
- Partner B: max plank hold in the meantime
*Each person has to be Partner A and B - 3 times in total.
B. 4 x Amrap 5' / 2' rest between Amraps
*Complete each Amrap twice
*There are two options: A-B-A-B or B-A-B-A
- 20 Wall Ball
- 30 m Single-arm OH walking lunges @ DB ( women: max 15kg - men: max 22,5 kg - scale as needed! )
- Max reps alternating DB hang C&J in remaning time.
- 30 American KB swing @ women: max 16kg - men: max 28kg - scale as needed! )
- 20 Push-ups
- Max cal on any cardio machine
2 minutes of Hollow Hold